Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sunday Salon

It is a beautiful day outside today (unlike the past two days which were windy, rainy and cold), but I seem to have caught the head cold that everyone else had a few weeks ago.  I'll admit to being a bit unsympathetic to their suffering.  This cold is a doozy!  So I'm sitting around inside going from reading to resting to surfing the net. I did manage to make lunch and help Big Sister with a batch of cookies.  

The most disappointing thing about not feeling well is the fact that I was all set to try out my new pair of running shoes.  I have been wanting a new pair for a while, and for me even though I want them to fit well, I also want to like how they look.  (This is much less important to my husband).  So, his constant checking of Sierra Trading Post's website totally paid off.  I got this pair of Brooks for just over $50 - regularly over $100.  The drawback to them is they are last year's color.  I can totally live with that.

Little Sister and my oldest niece are at a painting party for the afternoon. This is the first time either of them has done something like this, and they both get a little nervous about new things. But they seemed fine when I dropped them off and should have a great time.

Here's what the picture they are working on looks like:

Earlier this week we had the K-12 Art Show at the girls' school.  It was a nice representation of a lot of great art work.

And on Wednesday this week I was honored with the Global Thinking award for our school district for the month of April.  I was very surprised and despite the fact that I don't really like having attention focused on me, was honored.

This coming week we have more track meets and soccer practice.  I am loving the forecast for the next seven days - mostly sunny in the upper 60s and lower 70s.  

And, even though my calendar is full, I'm hopeful I'll get a few more books read.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Kay said...

I love those shoes. Last year's color - who cares - it's pretty. Hope you cold is winding down. I hate spring colds - well, I hate colds anytime, but still. Congrats on your award and hope your week is nice.

Anonymous said...

Typhoid Crystal is very sorry to have given you my cold!!

20 Years Later said...

Our GS troop did the Mona Lisa picture thing too! It was a great hit with all the girls.