Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sunday Salon

Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there!  I am having an uneventful, but mostly relaxing day at home today.  We were at my mom's house last night for supper, after an afternoon of soccer and graduation parties, so getting to relax (along with some serious house cleaning) sounds pretty good.

This morning at church Middle Sister and Little Sister played bells in honor of Mother's Day.  Performing in front of people is one of Little Sister's biggest challenges, but she did a great job.  

On Tuesday this past week Middle Sister presented at her fourth grade State Night.  She has spent the past several months learning more about Idaho.  The culminating event is a float that every fourth grade student constructs on a wagon along with a brief presentation.  I'm so glad my mother-in-law enjoys these creative projects and is good at helping my girls with them.  In case you can't tell, Middle Sister constructed moon rocks for her float.  

I still have 20 days of school left, but summer seems a little bit closer after this weekend.  The lawn has been mowed for the first time this weekend and we fired up the grill this past week. 

How are you enjoying this Mother's Day?  

1 comment:

Ti said...

We went to my MIL's house for dinner on Saturday. A late celebration for The Hub's bday. It was nice to sit outside and eat some good food.

Mother's Day was church and take-out and watching some movies with the girl. The Teen decided to spend Mother's Day at the Mormon church. He is Mormon and goes to a different church. I was a little upset that he did not want to spend time with me but if I let every moment affect me, then I'd be a raging mess so I hung out with the injured leg up and ate Chinese take-out.