Sunday, September 10, 2023

Monday Mini-Reviews

Every year I transition back to school and not as much free reading time.  It never gets any easier, and those stacks of books I want to read just keep on growing.  Three of these four gems are newly published but one of them has languished on my shelf for nearly twenty years.  I'm so glad I didn't get rid of it; it ended up being a five-star read. 

Saturday Night at the Lakeside Supper Club by J Ryan Stradal - this isn't my favorite of Stradal's; I LOVED The Lager Queens of Minnesota, but I did still enjoy this latest book.  I always appreciate a Minnesota setting and the quirkiness of Stradel's characters.  This story centers around two restaurant families who struggle to keep their businesses and families afloat. This one reminded me a little of Lorna Landvik, which is always a good thing.

Lady Tan's Circle of Women by Lisa See - I love Lisa See but I'm not usually a fan of books set in the 1400s.  I was happily surprised by how readable this book was.  Yunxian is being raised by her grandparents and learning about women's medicine, an unlikely path for a female during this time period.  Her best friend Meiling is the daughter of a midwife, and despite the different worlds they come from, develop a close friendship that lasts their entire lives.  This one was interesting from beginning to end.

Moloka'i by Alan Brenner - I should have read this when it came out in 2003, but even though it took me a good long time to get to it, I am so glad I did.  When Rachel is just six and develops leprosy, she is sent away from her family to the island where lepers are quarantined.  Years pass and as devastating as Rachel's childhood was, her life was full and interesting in so many ways.

The Connellys of County Down by Tracy Lange - this sophomore novel was fun, if a little predictable.  Tara is newly released from prison and returns home to live with her brother, sister and nephew.  It turns out that all three siblings have their own secrets they've been keeping and when the policeman who put her behind bars keeps showing up in her life, Tara can't help but want to get to know him. 

These were all good reads and ones I'd recommend to anyone who enjoys women's fiction.  I've got a few others I want to get to this week, and with only one cross country meet that just might happen.

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