Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Five Star Non Fiction Book Review: The Power of Fun

I generally read self help books a few times a year.  January, the beginning of a new year, seems like a good time especially to try some new habits and reflect on things.


The Power of Fun: How To Feel Alive Again is a book I could read more than once.  It started off a little slow for me, but after the first or second chapter, I had dog-eared  pages and underlined and highlighted all over the place (I do these things so rarely, that this is worthy of noting).  

Price is the author of How To Break Up With Your Cell Phone, and I think some of what is shared in that book is contained in this one. However, I found that information (though not earthshattering) to be so important.

Sadly, I feel like I have lost a lot of my ability to have fun- or even think of anything I'd like to do that would be fun.  I am going to need to work on this.  And with all the information that Price gives about the time wasted on cell phone usage, I certainly could put my phone down more and engage in life.  

I feel like the information about cell phone usage is relevant to me- and most people.  On average people spend four hours a day on their phones. That amounts to 60 days a year wasted on cell phone use.  I don't want to be reaching for my phone just to see if I have a notification; all those little seconds of "time confetti" as Price calls it, add up.  My daughters have received an ear full of little tidbits about cell phone use and how we all need to cut back.  Of course, there are times that phone use is expected and isn't a bad thing, but I do think we all reach for them too quickly.

Price points out that any activity that is done with another human being - in real life- not virtually is better than something done via a screen.  

This book is one that has some little nugget of wisdom for everyone.  I will be keeping my copy and picking it up again in the future. For now, it has left me time to ponder what I want to do in my leisure time.

Janssen at EverydayReading hosts a book club which featured this book as their January pick.  You can watch her discussion on Instagram or find her review here.

1 comment:

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

This one just arrived for me yesterday. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.