Monday, October 1, 2018

First Monday in October: Blast From the Past

Every month I look forward to looking back at my reading from a decade ago.  I look through my notebooks where I've logged my reading, and have a good time recalling various books I read and what was going on in my life at that time.  October 2008 was another month that was filled with lots of good reading.  Here are some highlights:

Goldengrove by Francine Prose - a happy surprise; the story isn't happy, but I went into this one knowing nothing about it, and loved every page.  A coming of age story, one girl deals with the tragic, sudden death of her sister.

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows- an epistolary novel (I love that word), a variety of characters tell the story of life on the Isle of Guernsey during World War II.  Not on Netflix, I need to re-read this one before I let myself watch the movie.

Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson  - this YA novel is amazing. It is also the only novel that I've read that provides the perspective of a slave in the North during the Revolutionary War.  My only complaint is that Anderson took so long to write the next two novels in this trilogy.  

Write It When I'm Gone: Remarkable Off the Record Conversations With Gerald R. Ford by Thomas M. DeFrank - I pretty much love any and every presidential memoir.  This one is no exception.  I don't remember any details of this book - only that it made running on the treadmill less awful.

One Fifth Avenue by Candace Bushnell - I love stories set in Manhattan that center around a smart cast of characters with money.  I'll read anything Bushnell writes -I just wish she'd write faster.

Pretty great reads back in October of 2008.  What were you reading ten years ago? Five years ago? Last year?

1 comment:

Kay said...

I'm almost certain that I read the Guernsey book around the same time. It was so good. I haven't revisited it yet, but I intend to maybe next year.