Friday, June 1, 2018

Friday Five

I've actually done my Friday Five post a few days early this week. As you're reading this, I should be in New York City attending Book Expo America.  There are so many great authors and books at this event. I get excited just thinking about it.  

It's been a heatwave in Iowa, and it makes it extra hard to think that we still have 9 days of school left.  

I'm ready to hit the pool as soon as I can.  

Here are a few things I managed to find before I left for the Big Apple:

1.  Pillar Printed Capri - these are featured on the Prana website and the Title Nine catalog.  I love printed leggings - my girls are all about the plain black legging look - and these just seem to say summer to me.

2.  GapFit High Neck Tennis Shelf Tank Top - Right now Gap has several variations of this high neck tank that I'm quite liking.

3.  Nylite 4 Women's Tretorns - my poor sad, white Tretorns have seen a better day. I really need to find a new pair. While plain white would be the most versatile, I love these gingham ones, too.

4.  Women's Sandy Shores Cuffed Shorts - and I NEED a pair or two of shorts that I actually like. I have plenty of pairs I don't much care for, but few that I like.  I am not a big elastic fan, but for hanging out at home, hiking, and being outside, I feel like these might be a good choice.

5.  Poplin Ruffle Sleeve Dress - A nice white dress in summer to show off my tan (which I don't have at all yet) is something I find hard to turn down.

6.  Gap's Alex's Lemonade Stand Graphic T-Shirt - most people are probably aware of the story behind Alex's Lemonade Stand. I love that Gap is now offering t-shirts to support this cause.

7.  Linen 3/4 Sleeve Relaxed Tunic - linen always looks great in the photos and on models. I wish it wouldn't wrinkle up on me every time I wear it. I love the pink color.

8.  Printed Tie-Waist Shirt - gingham is still in, and so is the tie waist.  I could see pairing this with a pair of my white jeans.

9.  Relaxed Twill Popover Shirt - over the past few years I've accumulated a few popovers, and really like the fit of them.  Can you ever have too many of this type of shirt?

10.  Embroidered Dress - and I have a soft spot for anything embroidered. This dress would be perfect to throw on during the dog days of summer.

So how about you? What's caught your eye this week?

1 comment:

Ti said...

Good stuff. I like your reasoning for these items too, "dog days of summer" etc. I was dying this weekend. It was 96 and I was pretty miserable. I am also pretty disgusted with the weight gain from this hormone therapy my doc put me on so I don't want to buy a thing at this current weight which presents a problem. It sounds very extreme but a fashionable, breathable bag to put over my head would be good right about now.