Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Sting-Ray Afternoons

Labor Day weekend was relaxing.  I've struggled with getting blogs written as consistently as I did last year, and starting a new school year - and a new job this year- hasn't helped that get any better. I'm still reading a ton, but somehow haven't been good about wanting to sit down and write about the books I'm reading.

I did read six books over the course of the weekend and enjoyed every single one of them.

Sting-Ray Afternoons is a memoir by Steve Rushin that left me feeling nostalgic for the 1970s.

Steve grew up in Bloomington, Minnesota.  He's six or seven years older than I am, but I appreciated his vivid descriptions of fake wood paneling, banana seat bikes, Bic pens, and the cultural icons of this decade.  Although I would call myself a child of the 80s, the 70s are certainly within my childhood experience and I can nearly place myself in the Rushin household during his childhood.

He was just one of five children in a large Catholic family that relocated to Bloomington when his father took a job as an eight-track tape salesman with 3M.  He recounts in detail his childhood and the many experiences that were universal to so many kids during this time period.  (My cousins would be the same age as Rushin and also grew up in the Twin Cities, so I am guessing this book would be like reliving their childhoods).  

I loved this memoir.  A little Bill Bryson-ish in some ways with Rushin explaining the invention of various 70s fads, there is humor in this memoir, as well as an honest look at a stable Midwest family that raises five fantastic, successful adults.

Anyone looking for a memoir that is fun to read and will leave them wishing for an easier time, will love Sting-Ray Afternoons.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I read this book last month and loved it! But I remember everything he talked about, as I was a teenager myself then. Great memories and a fun book to read. Glad you enjoyed it too (even tho I suspect you weren't even a twinkle in your daddy's eye at the time)