Thursday, August 24, 2017

Back to School

Today is the first day of school for students at my new middle school. I'm a little nervous, but excited, too. 

My daughters are also starting school today.  Time flies by quickly....Big Sister is a sophomore, Middle Sister an eighth grader, and Little Sister a fifth grader.  

The fall always makes me want a good school story and luckily there are a few published every year I can enjoy.

Just last night I was able to read Confessions from the Principal's Kid by Robin Mellom, which definitely put me in a school frame of mind.

Allie's mom is the principal of the elementary Allie attends.  There are some perks to having an inside look at the school system, and some problems with this as well.

She enjoys knowing the support staff personally and hanging out after school with teachers' kids. But, when it comes to her mom having to discipline students for breaking the rules, Allie feels like she is in a tight spot.  She might want to talk to her mom about things that are going on at school, but doing so will get some people in trouble.  

I can relate to this story in some ways because my mom taught at the elementary I attended. I, too, knew the teachers and support staff on a more personal level than most other students.  I appreciate Mellom's novel that provides a different perspective to the school experience.  

And although this tween novel is mostly about school, it is also about making friends, changing friendships, and knowing what relationships are worth having.

I've got two non-fiction adult school books in progress right now as well.  I'll get them finished up soon, and might report back. So far I'm loving them both, so if you are in need of a back-to-school title, these two are worth checking out:

1 comment:

Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

Well? How was your first day for school year 2017-18? I hope everything went smoothly.