Thursday, September 22, 2016

TLC Blog Tour: Commonwealth

Although I haven't read all of Ann Patchett's books, I have loved the ones I've read. Add that to the fact that I was able to visit her bookstore Parnassus when we were in Nashville this summer, and my author love continues to grow stronger.

And then add in the fact that she has a new book out.....well, was there any question that I'd love it?

Commonwealth shares the story of two families joined together by their parents as Bert Cousins kisses Beverly Keating while they are both married to different people.  This kiss sets a series of events in motion that forever changes the lives of these two families.

Patchett's novel covers decades as the children in the Keating and Cousins families grow up as step-siblings, travel to see their parents at holidays and during the summer, and eventually help them in their old age. 

Franny, Beverly's daughter, begins an affair with an older man, author Leon Posen. Her childhood memories are used as fodder for his bestselling novel, dredging up events that they must confront and come to terms with.

Patchett writes her novel in a way that allows me to feel as though I could be sitting in the kitchen with her characters as they are making the orange juice she vividly describes.  

There's a lot of buzz about this novel, and deservedly so.  I love character driven novels, and Commonwealth certainly fits the bill.

Thanks to TLC Book Tours for providing a copy of this book for my review. All opinions expressed are, as always, my own.

Commonwealth is published by Harper Collins Publishers.  


Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

I just saw this book at Barnes and Noble and hadn't even realized it was published yet. I will look for a copy at the library.

Heather J @ TLC Book Tours said...

I have fond memories of squeezing fresh orange juice with my son ... your mention of that in your review made me think back and smile. :)

Patchett is an amazing writer. I'm glad you enjoyed her latest! Thanks for being a part of the tour.