Sunday, March 27, 2016

Sunday Salon: Easter 2016: He Is Risen! Allelulia!

Happy Easter to everyone!  We attended the 9:00 Easter service today, because as my mom says, "it is just as easy to be happy at 9:00 as 6:00."  So, no sunrise service for us!  I enjoyed the little bit of extra sleep.

We ate brunch at my mom's where my girls and their cousins enjoyed an egg hunt.

Now I'm home and working on folding clothes, finishing laundry, making the bed after washing sheets, and organizing myself for tomorrow.

Happy Easter!  He Is Risen! Alleluia!

1 comment:

Les said...

Sounds like a lovely Easter Sunday! I'm catching up on laundry and sheets, too. :) Your girls are darling. Beautiful smiles!

Have a great week, Tina. Thanks for visiting my blog!