Monday, November 30, 2015

NonFiction November

I wish I would have jumped on the Non-Fiction November train a little faster. Here it is the end of the month already and I still have lots of great future posts percolating somewhere in my brain.

As I was thinking about great non-fiction I've read this year, all sorts of ideas popped into my head from previous years.

1.  Full Body Burden by Kristen Iversen - Iversen shares her experiences living in the shadow of Rocky Flats a secret nuclear weapon testing facility, that takes no responsibility for the many health problems that plague those who lived near it.

2.  In The Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin by Erik Larson - William Dodd was the Ambassador to Germany during Hitler's rise to power.  He and his family saw firsthand the way that Jews were treated. Their warnings to the US were largely ignored.

3.  The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin - a great self help/non-fiction book on different things anyone can do to increases your happiness and enjoyment of life.

4.  In His Sights by Kate Brennan- Brennan (writing under a pen name) is a smart, educated woman. Unfortunately she fell in love with a man who was too controlling and began to stalk her after they broke up. She has spent years running and hiding from him, always looking over her shoulder.

5.  The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration by Isabel Wilkerson - follows the lives of three African Americans and tells their story, explaining the various reasons African Americans moved to the north and western United States to look for a better life.

6.  Outcasts United by Warren St. John- a group of refugees from various countries gather to play soccer, a shared interest and form a team despite the many obstacles they face.

7.  Nothing To Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea by Barbara Demick - an account of life in North Korea which conveys how truly oppressed North Koreans are. Demick shares the stories of six North Koreans, following them for over a decade.

8.  Mother Daughter Me by Katie Hafner- Hafner encourages her mother to move to San Francisco and spend the year with her and her daugther Zoe. While the three generations are under one roof, Hafner explores unresolved feelings and issues she and her mother have ignored.

These eight non-fiction books are some of my favorites. Unfortunately, they are just a few of the many that I think about from time to time.  I'm anxious to look back through other Non Fiction November posts and add some titles to by TBR list.  

Happy Non-Fiction Reading!

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