Sunday, July 12, 2015

Sunday Salon

Today was our annual trip to our local water park.  Hot and humid weather.  Huge crowds.  Perfect people watching.  Long lines.  Fun times.  

That's it in a nutshell.  We all came home and crashed.  Now we're just getting up to eat a little supper and get a few things organized.

With soccer camp every morning last week and then entertaining my daughters' friends in the afternoon, I didn't get much accomplished on the organizing or cleaning front.  I am totally not complaining because I love having the summer to get to do fun stuff and be a little less programmed with my time, but there isn't as much going on this week, which means there are a few closets I should tackle.

Midway through the past week I forced myself to return to my exercise class.  It's been roughly eight weeks since I broke my finger and ripped the nail out of the nail bed and Thursday was the first day I went back to class.  It felt great- even the muscle soreness I've had all weekend long.  

Yesterday I got sucked in to House Hunters: Tiny Homes which just fascinates me.  I also find it somewhat inspiring to look at how little these people have and how much I would like to get rid of.

We stopped to visit my mom yesterday afternoon and were rewarded with some fresh peas from the garden.  I haven't picked peas in years, but my mom has a gentleman renting some land from her to use as a garden and he has generously shared some of his produce with us. A few years ago I made a rather pathetic attempt at having a garden without any luck, but spending time picking and shelling peas yesterday brought back memories of my childhood.  And it's got me thinking that maybe I really should make a better attempt at gardening next year.

My reading has slowed down from the frenzied pace of June.  I'm still reading a lot, but have been busy with a few school type things and running kids around.  So that's my plan tonight: find time to read and enjoy the beautiful summer evening.


The Bibliophile Babe said...

Sounds like a really nice week! Those peas look good. :)

Ti said...

The peas look great! I saw a recipe on the Food Channel where the gal took toasted bread and topped it with with a mixture of seasoned ricotta cheese, drizzled with olive oil and sea salt and then topped with fresh peas that had been marinating in balsamic vinegar...or something close to that. It was a cold appetizer but looked to tasty!