Monday, February 2, 2015

Blast From the Past

Ten years ago was February 2005, and I was running more, busy with two little girls.  Some of my books were read entirely while running on the treadmill, an art I perfected quickly so I could get two things done at a time.  That time was precious since there always had to be someone available to watch the girls if I wanted to exercise.  

Here are five highlights from the month:

What I Saw at the Revolution: A Political Life in the Reagan Era by Peggy Noonan
 I read this entire book on the treadmill.  I don't remember a lot about the book, but I do remember this is when I started running longer distances and began thinking about doing a half marathon.

Gilead by Marilynne Robinson

This is one of those books that I probably didn't think about enough because it is more literary fiction than women's fiction or chick lit.  Someday I may have to try it again.

Portable Prairie: Confessions of an Unsettled Midwesterner by M. J. Andersen

Another book I read while running on the treadmill, I liked the remembrances of a midwestern childhood that I could relate to.

The Raising of a President: The Mother and Fathers of Our Nation's Leaders by Doug Wead

Any book on the presidents is probably one I will enjoy.  I think my oldest daughter might eventually want to read this one.

Broken For You by Stephanie Kallos

I read this one right when it came out; Ten years later and  Kallos has another novel on the way that I am anxious to read.

1 comment:

Kay said...

OK, first of all, I'm admiring that you can read and be on the treadmill at the same time. I can't seem to master that art. But, I can listen, so that's just as good.

Went back and looked at my Feb 2005 reads and the one book that I remember anything about was THESE IS MY WORDS by Nancy E. Turner. Such a good book. I love these glimpses into your past reading life!