Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dancing With the Enemy: My Family's Holocaust Secret

Paul Glaser never knew his family was Jewish.  Raised as a Catholic, despite the fact that others later revealed to him that his named "sounded Jewish" to them, Glaser did not know of his Jewish parentage until later in life.  

His father and his aunt Rosie were the only people remaining from their family. The siblings never spoke and Rosie lived in Sweden, so Paul did not know his aunt well, or her story.  What he discovers is a woman who endured a betrayal from two men she loved, and ended up in concentration camps.  Her story is revealed in letters and photos that Paul found,  and from conversations Glaser had with a distant cousin.  

Dancing With the Enemy is told from Glaser's point of view in the present, and also from Rosie's point of view during her lifetime.  The Rosie that Glaser met is an elderly woman, yet the Rosie readers come to know is a bit of a non-conformist, pushing the edges of what is socially acceptable, even moving in with her boyfriend despite her parents' protests.

Rosie's life story is a fascinating look at one woman's experiences during World War II.  Her ability to persevere and forge on are amazing.


Anna said...

Wow, that must've been hard for him to find all that out, but fascinating as well. Thanks for introducing me to this book!

Peaceful Reader said...

This sounds interesting. I think it would be such a shock to find out major family history late in life!