Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday Salon

Summer is already half over and I waiver between thinking that it is not nearly long enough and then being irritated that my children tell me how bored they are.  I don't remember my mother entertaining us during the summer months at all. She is a teacher and had the summer months off like I do, but where I run my kids to the pool, playdates, and other activities, we pretty much hung out at home.  She worked on projects that she had planned along with a lot of deep cleaning that didn't get done during the school year. I am not nearly as organized or as motivated and rather enjoy lounging at the pool, and my kids should definitely not think they are bored.  

Our July 4th was uneventful, although we did have beautiful weather.  This weekend has been beautiful as well.  I may take the girls to the pool later, but am trying to finish up a class I am taking from Drake University about Creativity and the Gifted Child.  I just have one final paper to write and I am done!  

This Friday we depart for vacation. We are travelling west to Mt. Rushmore and Montana to see my brother-in-law and his family.  The car ride doesn't excite me very much, but we have some fun things planned.  My big concern is not packing our clothes - it is deciding what books to pack to read while I am gone.  Oh, the choices!  

We are having the cement for our sidewalk poured tomorrow and are still awaiting the plumber to come and finish his work.  We were all set to do a kitchen remodel when this happened, and this has pushed that back somewhat, but one positive that has come out of this fiasco is that my remodel project is going to happen - and my original idea that my husband was totally against- has been endorsed by our contractor as a very smart plan.  Instead of just using our existing (very small) space we are going to add on what is currently a screened in porch as a part of our kitchen. The screened in porch will be underneath that where our walk-out basement currently is.  If the water pipe breaking hadn't happened, we would be redoing our kitchen as we speak and not adding on any more space.  

I'm off to spend some time outside soaking in the sun, reading a good book.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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