Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday Salon

We have had beautiful fall weather the past two days- sunny and in the 70s - a perfect weekend.  However, I spent nearly all of yesterday cleaning (with little to show for it) inside.  Last night my husband and I attended a dinner honoring his college wrestling coach.  Wartburg College, our alma mater, has won 20 consecutive Conference Championships.  My husband's first year there (my first year as well), was Coach Jim Miller's first year as their coach.  He took their wrestling program from nothing to being written about in the New York Times.  Over three hundred people gathered to celebrate the Double Decade of Dominance and listen to former wrestlers reminisce.  I have attended two previous dinners (the 10 year and 15 year celebrations), and this one was fairly tame in comparison. 
Today we released balloons at church for Rally Sunday, had my youngest daughter's ears pierced, and I have just finished cooking up a few different choices for our busy week.  Middle Sister has soccer practices on two nights this week, I have a late night at work one night, and have a concert with friends I am attending on Thursday. 
The good news is that I have a few books finished that I am ready to post about, so even though the coming week looks busy, I have finally returned to a somewhat more normal blogging schedule. 
As soon as supper is done I plan on sitting down and reading Precious Bones and enjoying the last few hours of my weekend.  Can tomorrow really be Monday?

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