Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday Salon

I can finally say, "School's out for summer!"  My girls get out tomorrow after just half a day, so even though it is a school night we aren't doing a very good job of getting to bed. 
This past week my brother-in-law and his wife and daughter came to visit us from Montana. Their daughter is a year and a half old and this was our first time meeting her.  My girls were very excited to see their new cousin.  There were a lot of late nights, meals out, and time spent with them.  It was great, but hard on my kiddos who were extremely crabby and tired by the end of the week.
Tonight my oldest daughter had a going away party for her best friend. We have known she was moving for the past three months, but what once looked so far off is now upon us.  I have shed tears over this myself because this a friend that isn't replaceable. They have a few plans already for later this summer and spending time together, but I think things will be very noticeable once school starts in the fall. Sigh.
I have had a productive week of reading although I haven't been as good about blogging. A class I am taking has started so that is absorbing some of my free time. The week ahead is full of softball games, an eye doctor appointment, piano lessons and a hair cut.  That schedule looks pretty nice considering I usually cram much more into a week where I am working full time.
What's up for your week?

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