Chris Pavone's novel The Expats was full of suspense and intrigue. As I read I couldn't help but picture Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis in True Lies, one of my favorite movies. There was crossing and double crossing and triple crossing, so much that it nearly made my head spin.
Kate and her family are moving to Luxembourg for her husband, Dexter's job. Dexter's job is a bit of a hard thing to pin down. He does something with computers and making sure people can't hack into them. Kate's job is also a bit hard to pin down. Although readers know that Kate has been with the CIA until moving to Luxembourg, Dexter is unaware of his wife's profession. The move to Luxembourg provides her with a reason to leave her job behind, but when she meets another expat couple, Julia and Bill, Kate's spying ways kick into high gear as she questions their motives for being in the country. Are they after her? Or perhaps Dexter? Something about Dexter's new job doesn't sit well with Kate, and she finds herself investigating her husband for the first time ever.
There are a lot of clues and a lot of trails to follow in Expats, but I found myself racing to the end, wanting to know how things work out for this family abroad.
I heard some really good things about this book from Barbara Peters, the owner of the Poisoned Pen Bookstore, when I was in AZ. It's on my Kindle, ready to go. Love what you said about it and so I'll get to it soon.
Gosh...where did I just read about this --People? Entertaiment Weekly? Wherever it intrigued you've added to it!!
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