Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday Salon

Another beautiful Sunday in Iowa! Amazingly warm weather for winter, and I am loving every minute of it. This past week we went back to school, a rather big adjustment after sleeping in and hanging out over break. However, I am happy for the routine, which allows me to be much more productive and to remove the temptation to snack on food whenever I feel like it.

My husband and I have both commented on the busy-ness ahead this week. His wrestling coaching has really kept him busy and he has a few meets this week along with practice. I have two late nights this week at work as well, and add gymnastics class, piano lessons, Girl Scouts, and a dental appointment to our evenings- it doesn't make this week look anything but exhausting

Middle Sister has discovered the BabyMouse series by Jennifer Holm. She spent hours yesterday reading several of them. Big Sister is reading The Mother Daughter Book Club by Heather Vogel and loving it. We are all reading the 3rd Harry Potter book together.

I am working on a few books for Amazon Vine, but will need to spend my day working on making a book trailer to share with kids at school. I have also started to look at different publishing house's spring 2012 catalogs. Oh, the amazing books coming out!

After I get some cleaning done, I need to finish the Christmas cards I was addressing yesterday. The girls really want to go swimming at the local health club, which I will probably try and make happen even though it isn't the most convenient.

How about you? What do you have planned for your day?

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