Friday, December 2, 2011

November Recap

Although I didn't read as many adult books as I'd like, I admit that I like the speed with which I am able to get through the middle grade/YA books that have been on my TBR piles.
Here's the list from November:
1. The Orchard by Theresa Weir
2. Rachel Spinelli Punched Me in the Face by Paul Acampora
3. Growing Up Amish by Ira Wagler
4. Bond Girl by Erin Duffy
5. The Postmistress by Sarah Blake
6. The Lost Crown by Sarah Miller
7. Kennedy Through the Lens by Martin W. Sandler
8. Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick
9. Fathermothergod by Lucia Greenhouse
10. Working it Out by Abby Rike
11. The Arrogant Years by Lucette Lagnado
12. All These Things I've Done by Gabrielle Zevin
13. Brendan Buckley's 6th Grade Experiment by Sundee Frazier
14. Olivia Bean, Trivia Queen by Donna Gephardt
15. Ghetto Cowboy by G. Neri
16. The Sisters by Nancy Jensen
17. Before I Sleep by S. J. Watson
18. Crashers by Dana Haynes
19. The Watch that Ends the Night by Alan Wolff
20. The Daughters Join the Party by Joanna Philbin
21. The Brothers Blood by Scott Cawelti
22. Destiny of the Republic by Candice Millard
23. Letters to Missy Violet by Barbara Hathaway
24. Pearl Verses The World by Sally Murphy

12 of 24 were Tween/YA, 12 adult
8 of 24 were non-fiction, 16 fiction
7 of 24 were written by men, 17 by women
4 books were from my shelf, 2 were e-book ARCs, 18 were library books
1 book is from the Read From Your Shelves challenge

It doesn't look like I'll be finishing my challenges I entered in 2011, but I will keep trying - and having fun while doing it. I'm hoping Christmas break lets me find some reading time.


Ann Summerville said...

Quite a list - I have noticed that YA books are sometimes a lot longer than the norm. Is this a new trend I wonder.

Peaceful Reader said...

Yes, that is quite an impressive list! All that and a party-you rock!