Saturday, December 31, 2011

Highlights of 2011: Adult Fiction

I am so enjoying looking over my reading journal, finding books I have enjoyed in 2011.
I noticed one blogger posted her list of highlights, not a "Best of" list. This year that is my plan as well. It is hard enough narrowing the list down to highlights, and I have read so many really good books in 2011. I have divided them into three categories: Adult Fiction, Tween/YA, and Non-Fiction/Memoir.
Here are the highlights of my Adult Fiction titles for 2011:

1 comment:

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

So many great selections on your Tops list. A few I've read and several I hope to get to in 2012.

Tina, Wishing you and everyone close to you, good health and happiness in the New Year. I am so happy i discovered your blog when I did.