Monday, November 14, 2011

Working It Out

I have seen The Biggest Loser only a handful of times, although I think this is a show I could really get into. When I came across Abby Rike's book several times, I didn't know her from The Biggest Loser, or why she was famous, yet because I saw her book in so many places, I decided to check it out.

First of all, while this book does discuss Rike's time on The Biggest Loser, I would classify this book as a love story and tribute to the family she tragically lost in a car accident in October 2006. Rike's values and faith shine through in every page of this book, and while at times I felt that she may have sugarcoated things, or perhaps made her life look too perfect, there is no doubt that her loss was devastating. The fact that Rike has managed to go on, can laugh and smile and look forward to her future is amazing and a testament to her faith in God.

While I wish this book included more about her time on The Biggest Loser, that is not really the only message Abby has to share. The Biggest Loser certainly brought Abby the spotlight, but she has capitalized on that by sharing her faith and message of hope with others.

Working It Out is a fast read, inspirational while heartbreaking.

Click here to visit Rike's website.

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