Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday Salon

Today I am feeling relieved. Yesterday I had a Thirty-One party at my house. There are some people who have parties -Tupperware, Pampered Chef, Silpada, Lia Sophia- often. I am not one of them. In fact, I feel rather uncomfortable hosting parties at my house. My mom had a long lasting (and does to this day) fear of having a home that was not as good as her friends', which seems to have passed on to me. Realistically, I don't analyze and critique homes that I visit, and I doubt my friends are doing that to mine, but as I cleaned on Friday night, I could find lots of little flaws that are easy to overlook because I see them every day, but might be very noticeable to someone not so used to them.
The party itself went well. In addition to receiving some wonderful hostess gifts and incentives, I also have a clean house - at least the main living area. The other areas, where I stashed stuff don't look so good.

Today I finished The Sisters by Nancy Jensen, a novel I received through Amazon Vine. I can hardly wait to review this one, but am still processing it in my own mind. Now I have begun Before I Go to Sleep by S. J. Watson, a book I keep reading about all over.

Not much is scheduled for the week, aside from Thanksgiving at my house. Just my parents and my in-laws are coming, which makes it very low-key. Next Sunday we will gather at my parents' house with my siblings and their families to celebrate the holiday. The family picture below was taken at my parents' farm, to commemorate their 40th anniversary.

We are happy here in Iowa to still have fall-like weather in mid-November, although I did purchase a few new Christmas decorations yesterday. I can't wait to have a four day weekend that will give me time to read a bit more.

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