Thursday, August 11, 2011

Help Needed

No, not The Help, which I really, really want to see. I am having a hard time - and have been-leaving posts on different blogs. Just now a good friend started a blog on blogspot. I can type my comment. I can type in the verification word. And then I get kicked out and have to re-sign in to google. Over and over. And my comment never is accepted. Is anyone else having this problem? I am starting to get very disgusted because there are blogs I have commented on for a long time now and thoughts I wanted to leave on them and each time I am forced to give up. If anyone has some advice, I'm all ears.


Marg @ Clockwork Reverie said...

I've actually heard this happening to a lot of people on blogger. There have been quite a few glitches for several months now.

Here are a couple of things that have helped others:

(1) Clear your browser cache & cookies
(2) Uncheck the box that says "stay signed in" under your google sign-in info

Also, the person whose blog is not accepting comments should try changing their settings from "embedded comments" to "comments on a separate page".

Gerbera Daisy Diaries said...

Was going to say the same thing as Marg! I was having the same problem and did the above and so far it's worked.

Bailey said...

That used to happen to me when I used Internet Explorer. I tried switching to Firefox, and that seems to have fixed the problem.