Recommended by a good friend, this is a LONG book. I enjoyed it but think I should re-read it more slowly instead of devouring it in a day.

What's not to like about a book about librarians bringing book to people in remote areas? Very interesting.
I can't believe it's been 10 years since Weiner's first book came out. This is still one of my favorites.
Mostly Deaver's books creep me out, but this one I found fascinating with the technology. I wonder how it would stand up ten years later.
Joan Bauer- another author I love for her unique, quirky characters. I think this is the first book I read by Bauer. I haven't missed one since.
Are you kidding me? You read LADIES OF THE CLUB in one day? Amazing! It is mega-long (1200+ pages I think). I tip my hat to you. I've considered reading it again with the perspective of being a woman of "a certain age", but it is so long. It would take me forever. Maybe this winter.
I have no clue what Ladies of the Club is about, but I remember trying to read it as a teenager for the simple reason that I prided myself on reading giant books. I did not finish.
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