Sunday, April 3, 2011

In My Mailbox and Sunday Salon

Ah! Today the weather has hit the 70 degree mark. Although it is windy, it is a wonderful spring day. I am so excited for nice weather. I have managed a trip to Wal-Mart where I spent much more money than I ever intended. It seems the list I make before I go seems to get longer once I enter the store. The $5 movies really kill me because they seem like such a bargain.

I have had a great week of mail again. Amazingly enough I have already reviewed two of the items I got in the mail this week. Here's the loot:

I also broke down and bought two books this week. I have been doing a great job of not purchasing books, but somehow had a weak moment - or two- this week. Heaven is for Real has been receiving a ton of buzz and my mother-in-law read and enjoyed it. Normally we don't have the same taste in books at all, so it will be interesting to read this one. And Sweet Valley Confidential by Francine Pascal is such a blast from my past. I still have books #1-#88 in a Rubbermaid box somewhere. I saved my precious money when I was in sixth-eighth grades to buy these books. Sadly, I would save and buy one and it would last me all of an hour or two. There definitely wasn't much to the books. Even though I have read less than stellar reviews on this one, I can't help but want to find out what happened to Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield and their friends.

This week I am back to teaching a normal schedule. Last week we administered the ITBS tests at our building. I still need to type my lesson plans, but at least have in my mind what I am planning to do. Supper tonight is a recipe I took from Janssen at Everyday Reading - the Sweet Potato Foil Taco Packets. We had those a few weeks ago and they were fabulous!


Unknown said...

I LOVE that you bought SVC. And I'm a little bit jealous :) Have you read the review over at FYA?? If not, I highly recommend waiting until you've read it for yourself! It's HILARIOUS, but pretty darn opinionated :)

Beth said...

Like Katie, I am also a little jealous of the SVC purchase..I want to know what happens too!! Maybe that's next on my list!