Another Saturday already- and this one is almost done! How do weekends fly by so quickly? Here's my usual late addition to the Friday Five hosted by Kate at Kate's Library.
For anyone who knows me and my obsession with the British Royal Family, there is no surprise thatPrince William's upcoming wedding is of great interest to me. The official royal wedding website has been launched. While I'm not quite as obsessive as I was when I was growing up, I do plan on checking this site out.
2. Travis at Scope Notes always has great posts. This one about e-readers is plenty thought provoking and would lead to some good discussions.
3. Janssen at Everyday Reading has a tasty post about cookies. I'm always up for trying out a new recipe, and these recipes that she has linked to give several very yummy ideas.
4. Dr. Seuss' Birthday was March 2. We didn't have school that day since it was parent/teacher conferences, but on Thursday and Friday I used a great idea I got from Abby the Librarian and had my first graders make Cat in the Hats.
5. I've loved the Pioneer Woman's website for a while, so when I saw her list of blogs that had won awards this year, I checked all of them out. Many have been added to my Favorites as well. Check out the list for yourself.
What posts made your top five this week?
1 comment:
Hey! Thanks for doing the Five!
You're right - great discussions about ereaders!
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