This week's question:
"Do you ever wish you would have named your blog something different?"
Yes! I think about this frequently and have debated changing the name many times. I feel like I never really chose my name for my blog....a few years ago when I decided I wanted to start a blog, my high school workers were trying to help me get started. As I was teaching a class, the one high school employee was busily trying to find a URL that had not been used. Being totally clueless, I just let her play around with it. All of a sudden, I had a url, but I also had a heading that said "Tina Says." And being such a newbie, I had no idea how to change it. And so time passed, and it stayed Tina Says. I have thought of a different name I would like better, and still have not quite decided if I should change it. Would readers know that my new site was still the same one, only with a new name? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
That's a tough question. I have to say I prefer when blogs I read keep the name they have. I follow one blog that change the name a few times and it completely confused me. I actually like Tina Says... but if you're set on changing it, I'm sure I'd get used to it. :-) Just be sure to make a big deal of it so people realize what's happening!
Stopping by from the hop. I don't know how to go about changing your name--sorry!
I quite like Tina Says, simple and to the point. I also like when bloggers names are in the title.
Here is my response.
Hi I am hopping by to drop this off for you
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Irish Short Story Week-3/14 to 3/20
I like the name of the blog. Although the major downer to renaming a blog is going around any and all account linked to the blog and changing them as well. Well Just hopping thru, Now I am going to go check out the rest of your blog. ;).
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