I have missed participating in the Friday Five for the past few weeks. It's not that I haven't read five- or more- worthy posts each week, it is purely my lack of organization that has resulted in this. If only I would jot a note to myself as I read things on the internet instead of just thinking that I will remember which of the several hundred things I've read and be able to find it days later.
Here are some of the posts that I've at least made a mental note of to myself this week:
1. I keep telling my daughters that I am just sure they would love French toast, yet we have never had it. This recipe at Cooking With Libby looks scrumptious to me.
2. I am constantly trying to stay one step ahead of the game, scoping out books that will soon be published. Travis from 100 Scope Notes had a link to a Publisher's Weekly list of books coming out this fall.....totally thrilled me.
3. One great thing about reading so many book blogs is the many recommendations I find for my own reading. Suey at It's All About Books writes this week on her book club's pick, 84 Charing Cross Road, that looks pretty darn good to me.
4. The Spring 2011 Kids Indie Next List has caused my TBR piles and wish list to grow even longer. UGH!!! So many good books!
5. While I have my kindle, I enjoyed Lisa's post at Books Lists Life about the various e-readers out there and the link she gave comparing them all. I know people who love their Nook, but I am also quite happy with my kindle :).
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