Friday, November 5, 2010

The Friday Five

It's time for the Friday Five again, hosted by Kate at Kate's Library. I love reading other peoples' web wanderings, so hopefully there will be a link or two you can enjoy.

1. I must have had a moment of insanity earlier this week when I signed up to participate in NaNoWriMo. What was I thinking? There is really no way I can keep up with writing even the 1,667 words per day - at least not if my family wants to eat or have clean clothes- but I am at least writing something each day, or researching something each day. I have had some ideas floating around in my brain for years now, and just want to get something down on paper - as painful as that is for me. I hate going back and reading what I have written. It all seems so much better as I compose in my mind than it does when I actually put things on paper.

2. I always enjoy reading Jen Robinson's Literacy Round-up. This week's includes information on Scholastic's new social networking site, You Are What You Read. I haven't had time to explore this yet, but I am looking forward to finding out more.

3. My kids at school have enjoyed playing FreeRice for a few years now and donating grains of rice to end world hunger. Now, Free Flour is online as well, another great site to test knowledge while helping end world hunger by donating flour.

4. The Reading Ape has a great article about Book Bloggers and how they impact Indpendent Book stores. Rather thought provoking.

5. Green Bean Teen Queen has a post listing great picture book selections for tweens. I am always looking for more picture book selections to use with my upper elementary students. This is a great list with other people's posts linked to it.

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