Sunday, July 11, 2010

Promises To Keep

It wouldn't be summer without a Jane Green book, so I was excited to be the first to check out Promises to Keep from the library.

While Jane Green's book are what I consider chick lit - rather fluffy, fun reads, this latest work was one that many a reader may shed a tear or two over. Green dedicated this book to her friend, Heidi, who died in 2009. Upon seeing the dedication I turned to the back which included a picture of Green with someone whom I presume is Heidi. Heidi died of breast cancer, and Promises to Keep features a main character, Callie, who also dies of breast cancer. (I don't think my telling you this will spoil anything because this is a fairly likely outcome in this book). I will admit that I had to walk away from this book for a few days. I just was not in the mood for a depressing story. Green writes at book's end that Callie's story is not Heidi's, but some of the things that happened to Callie were taken from experiences from Heidi had. In addition to Callie, as usual, Green has a host of other characters with their own stories that help round out this novel.

Fans of Green will enjoy this latest book, and Promises to Keep delves into an important topic that is truly not the normal fare for Green.

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