Thursday, November 20, 2008


I seem to spend much of my time reading about new books, looking at Booklist magazine and plotting out what to check out, read, and purchase, that somewhere in there I lose my free reading time. I also spend a lot of time wishing for new books to come out. There is nothing quite as exciting to me. So, my list of books I want to read keeps growing, and even though I keep working on reading a lot of books, I can never catch up, and continue to fall further behind.

Right now I am reading a variety of things: Here's The Story by Maureen McCormick - Marcia from the Brady Bunch's memoir. I am only reading it while on the exercise bike, so I might only read 20 pages a day, but I will finish it up tomorrow and it has been a good, easy read. I am reading Thin is the New Happy, a memoir by Valerie Frankel while running on the treadmill. This book has been motivating me to want to run, which is always a good thing. Frankel talks about her body image issues and the many diets she has been on over the years....I feel quite virtuous reading this as I sweat. I am also reading Julia Glass' new book, I See You Everywhere. I read her other books and can barely remember anything about them except that they took a while to get through. This is true of her latest book as well, although I think I am enjoying it more than I did her other work. I have been carrying some kids books around that I need to finish off: PB Kerr's One Small Step is first on my list since I have been reading it for over a week now. Obviously I am not so enthralled with this book I just can't put it down. Reading other blogs I am seeing people reviewing a book a day, which is yet another way I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. I should stop writing and go read!

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