Sunday, May 19, 2024

Friday Five

This weekend I have spent sitting at the state track meet.  It was three glorious days of sunny weather - the best we've had in the five years we've attended.  I was still getting organized until late Wednesday night which means I never even had time to think about my Friday Five post.  

Little Sister competed in the 4x800 relay.  She ran on Thursday morning and enjoyed having that done with so the rest of the weekend she could relax.  My mom, brother, and two nieces came and watched, and we even remembered to take a few pictures.  

The biggest decision about what to pack on any trip is always what books I'll bring along.  I managed to read a book each day we were at the stadium plus parts of another book each night.  With the craziness that is the end of the school year, the time relaxing felt fantastic.

Here are the things that caught my eye this week:

10. Baby Reindeer-  I've added this to my list of things I want to watch

That's it for me this week.  What's caught your eye?

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