Thursday, August 10, 2023

Friday Five: The Last Week Before It's Back to Reality

And just like that.....summer 2023 is over!  I'm always excited for a new school year -the back to school supplies, fall clothing, football games and XC meets are all part of this time and I love every single one of them.  Thursday is our first official day back but I have already been to school a few times last week, and will go nearly every day this next week.  

Middle Sister moves back to college on Monday and Big Sister finishes up an internship on Thursday and moves back home to finish her final semester of college.  

I'm in the mood for back to school clothes and have found some cute things to share this week.  Enjoy! 

10.   Mammoth WVH song - "Waiting"

That's it for me this week. What's caught your eye?

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