Sunday, June 11, 2023

Friday Five

This past week was the first week of summer break.  And what did I do? Worked more hours than in the regular school year.  An elementary library in our district is getting an overhaul and I am part of that process.  I presented at a learning academy for district teachers which meant a lot of prep time, and I'm still trying to finish up paying bills and getting the district Bookmobile organized for the summer.  Tomorrow summer school starts.  

I like being busy and I like the change of pace, but I will be happy when things slow down a little more.

Big Sister spent the weekend at home -she is living with some of our friends this summer and working at an internship during the week-so it feels busy when everyone is around.  There are always dirty dishes and people wanting to eat.  But when they aren't around, it seems awfully quiet and lonely.

Here are a few things that caught my eye this past week.  Enjoy! 

10.  Still A  Michael J. Fox Movie

That's it for me this week.  What's caught your eye?

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