Monday, June 13, 2022

Blast From the Past: June 2012

I love summer reading.  There are so many great beach reads to look forward to, and every summer I try my best to get through as many as possible - and still have a huge stack left to read (hopefully) some day.  

Back in 2012 these four gems were some of the best books I read at the pool while watching my girls swim. 

Seating Arrangements by Maggie Shipstead - Shipstead just had a new novel published in the past month that I am looking forward to reading. This one from a decade ago centers around a family gathering on an island for a daughter's wedding.  

Summer of the Gypsy Moths by Sara Pennypacker - Two girls in foster care who don't much like each other end up banding together when their caretaker suddenly dies.  The girls take over the upkeep of rental cottages in an effort to remain in their same living situation.

Full Body Burden by Kristen Iverson - the author grew up near Rocky Flats a secret nuclear weapons plant.  This memoir was hard to put down as Iverson uncovered secrets about the chemicals the plant released into the environment and the high rate of cancers in that area.  (I found this especially interesting since one of my childhood friends moved to this area and was treated for thyroid cancer in her late twenties).

Spoken From the Heart by Laura Bush- I am fascinated by First Ladies memoirs and found Laura Bush's to be easy to read and a great way to hear things from her perspective.  

What great books did you read in June of 2012?

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