Wednesday, January 10, 2018

TLC Book Tour: Family Tree

Susan Wiggs is an author that has been around for a while. And although I've seen her books often, I've never actually picked one up.  Family Tree is my first book by Wiggs. And it won't be my last.

This novel was a perfect women's fiction read. I spent the day at home on Monday with a sick kid, and I had a great day curled up in a blanket on the couch absorbed in this book.

When the novel opens, Annie Harlow has a perfect life. A cooking show on television, a wonderful husband, and the news that she is pregnant.  

In one split second her entire world changes.

Moving back and forth in time we watch as Annie has to move home to Vermont to recover from a nearly fatal accident.  We watch Annie come to terms with her new normal and meet the teenage Annie who fell in love with a hometown boy and wanted nothing more than to marry him. 

We see how that dream fell apart while other dreams were realized and how now, despite everything Annie has been through, some of her dreams may come true after all.

I loved the romance of this novel. I fell in love with Fletcher, the high school boyfriend, who changed from a teenager without a lot of ambition to a man driven to succeed and help his father.  

I loved the Vermont setting, the small-town, the maple syrup production.  

I loved the various subplots Wiggs introduced like the fact that Annie's long absent father reappeared, reigniting old feelings.  

This was pretty much a perfect, easy, women's fiction read. 

Thanks to TLC Book Tours for providing a copy of the book for my review.  All opinions expressed are, as always, my own.

Visit the HarperCollins website for more information about Family Tree.


Kay said...

That is a beautiful cover! Maple syrup production - I might have to read it for that alone. We love the maple here.

Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed this book! Thanks for being a part of the tour.