Saturday, April 18, 2015

A Chance to Meet Steve Jenkins

I've always been impressed by Steve Jenkins' non-fiction books. The illustrations are amazing and there is a wealth of information on each and every page.

Yesterday I was given the chance to hear him speak at the UNI Early Literacy Conference.  A colleague and I enjoyed our day away from the students and came away with some great ideas to try in the classroom.

Jenkins has been in the book making business for a while.  His art school background has allowed him the knowledge and skill that he has utilized in making his illustrations.

I limited myself to one book that I had signed by Steve, who was interesting to listen to as he explained his path to writing for children and his interest in creating illustrations that showed things drawn to scale.

His wife, Robin Page, is a frequent partner in producing great non-fiction books for kids.  I own many of Jenkins' books already, but getting to hear him and learn about the work that goes in to making his books makes me even more impressed by the quality product he turns out.

We were treated to this amazing video during his presentation.  And, last night I spent some time looking at Steve Jenkins' website.

I can't wait to share what I learned about Steve Jenkins with my students next week!

1 comment:

Peaceful Reader said...

I'm sorry I missed this. I love his books!