Monday, February 10, 2025

NonFiction Tuesday: Self Help

 Kicking off the new year always seems like a good time to read a self-help book.  Over the years I've read quite a few - some I've liked and even tried to incorporate some of the tips and advice I've read about.

This year I picked up The Let Them Theory by Mel Robbins.  This seems to be all over social media right now, and after starting reading I can see why.

This is a fast read with some good advice.  Let Them refers to the attitude you can take about a variety of things.  Instead of letting the decisions others make bother you, your reaction can be "let them."  There is only one thing you can control- your own actions and reactions.  So instead of letting others' actions bother you, just reply "let them."  This is something most people could put into practice in their everyday lives.  And I've thought about this a variety of times since I read Robbins' book.

I know there is some controversy about Robbins not giving credit to someone else who had already talked about this method, but I'm far enough out of the loop on this issue and found this book to be interesting to read and Robbins to be a person easy to identify with.  I enjoyed the book enough that I'm interested in listening to her podcast.

Over the years I've read a variety of self-help books, and often I take something away from them that I can put into practice.  I also think that in most cases, I should probably re-read these self-help books every few years because often there is so many different good points that I am not able to retain or practice all of them.  

These five are some of my favorites:

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