Sunday, January 26, 2025

Monday Mini-Reviews: January is Coming to An End

 I've spent time this month trying to reduce the number of books I own.  This is a challenge because I seem to be emotionally attached to some books, and there are so many books I own, but have yet to read.  This project is not one that will be done quickly.  

Atomic Love by Jennie Fields was published in 2020 and I've had it on my stack since then.  Set in 1950, Rosalind Porter is brilliant, having worked on the Manhattan Project with Enrico Fermi.  Since the war is over she's been selling jewelry at Marshall Fields in Chicago.  Thomas Weaver, her former boyfriend, shows up, wanting to reunite with her. But the FBI also contacts Roz and wants her to spy on Thomas.  I love a good spy novel and this one doesn't disappoint.

The Wealth of Shadows by Graham Moore was published in May of 2024, so it hasn't been on my TBR for too long, but after hearing about it on another podcast, I knew I wanted to pick it up sooner rather than later.  This is a five-star read for me, a novel set during WWII, but one presenting the economic side of the war and the various people who were left to make decisions to try and bring an end to Hitler's aggressions while still appearing neutral  The clandestine project that Ansel Luxford and a variety of other little known men are invited to D.C. to be a part of in an effort to undermine the Nazis is absolutely fascinating.  This book is one I'll be telling everyone about for quite a while.  

I've managed to read eleven backlist books this month, and although it is impossible to tell that I've cleaned off any space in my piles of books, I'm going to keep working on reading my shelves so that one day I'll be able to see shelves full of books I love. 

1 comment:

Ti said...

My reading is slow because I chose The Brothers Karamazov as my first book and it's 900 pages. I am almost done! I have a lot of books but I have been letting them go lately. I drop them into the tiny libraries I see around my neighborhood. There is only a small handful that I feel compelled to keep.