Sunday, August 25, 2024

Monday Mini-Review: I Hope This Finds You Well


Our first day with students at school was Friday.  The week has been busy and I spent part of Sunday trying to get organized for the five day week ahead.  My reading has slowed down, which is expected, but I always hate that I don't have time to get through as many great books - or the attention span.

I Hope This Finds You Well by Natalie Sue was a perfect book to pick up and enjoy.

Jolene gets in trouble at work when she is caught having typed a message to a coworker that is inappropriate.  (Jolene had been typing these messages for a while at the end of various emails, but hid them by changing their font to white.  She happened to forget to change the font color this time).  She doesn't much love her job, but also doesn't want to bet let go, and is busy going through some training with the new HR guy, Cliff.  The two of them hit it off, but Jolene is embarrassed about getting in trouble and because of their work relationship their relationship must stay platonic.

The workplace politics are something I think most people can relate to, and there were parts of this that had me feel like I was watching an episode of The Office.  

Although this is  a fun read, there is also some depth to it as well, and I enjoyed the premise of the story and the way things unfolded.

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