Tuesday, August 9, 2022

The Last Moments of Summer

 In just a week I will be back at school.  This summer, as always, flew by.  I snuck in a quick trip to New York City with two good friends this past week.  

Highlights were seeing both Hamilton and MJ on Broadway, a visit to the New York Public Library and the Strand Bookstore, eating at Ellen's Starlite Diner, trips on the subway, the Friends Experience, a tour at the Tenement Museum, attending the Today Show Concert series Walker Hayes concert, and walking around Central Park and Times Square.

It did not include any reading time.  By the time we returned to our hotel we only had enough energy to shower and get ready for bed. I brought several books along, but it wasn't until the flight home that I actually did any real reading.  

Now that I'm home I'll be busy getting Middle Sister ready to move to college on Sunday as well as finishing up some home improvement projects I meant to get to all summer long.  

And in just a few days we'll be picking up a new addition to our family: Charlie our new puppy.

We've visited him a few times already and tonight he gets to come over to our house for a visit (and the first time meeting Dottie, our dog).  We're crossing our fingers that the meeting goes well, because he is so adorable and we have already fallen in love with him.

Have a great Tuesday, everyone!


(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Your trip to New York City wounds like you accomplished a lot....how fun. I can't believe you have a second daughter off to college already, wishing her the best. How exciting to get a new pup and hoping the intro goes well.

Kay said...

Yes, your trip does sound like you had fun. Good for you! Can't believe daughter #2 is going to college. Your girls are flying through the years! New puppy looks precious and will be a fun addition to the family I am sure.