Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Best Non-Fiction in May

I've already mentioned that my reading was less than impressive in May. Luckily, what I did read was fantastic.  I read I Miss You When I Blink by Mary Laura Philpott early in May and knew instantly that this would be one of the best non-fiction books I read in May.

I had pre-ordered this book, and after I received it continued to hear rave reviews about it on the various bookish podcasts I listen to.  I quickly moved it to the top of my TBR and devoured it in just a day.

Philpott's essays are autobiographical vignettes from her life.  She is someone I could easily be friend with.  Philpott writes of her childhood and college years, providing stories about her drive and ambition and eventual successes she had in school and professionally.  To any observer, she appeared to be living the dream.

But Philpott still feels like something is missing. This confession makes her story one that most women will relate to and understand.  As she searches for something to give her life meaning she realizes that there is no "one size fits all" answer ans she tries a variety of different things to find the happiness she is looking for.  

Philpott could easily be my sister, friend or next door neighbor.  I'd love to sit down with her to talk

My non-fiction reading might have been small in quantity, but it was of the highest quality. I have already raved about it to several friends and don't think anyone who gives it a try will be disappointed.

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