Monday, February 25, 2019

Monday Mini-Reviews: Mysteries This Week

I'm not always in the mood for mysteries, but when I am, I often seem to devour several at a time.  This weekend I managed to pick up one backlist title that is part of a series I love and one brand new mystery. Both were great.

Fast Falls The Night by Julia Keller is the sixth in the Bell Elkins series.  I seem to have missed a couple of books in this series, so I need to pick them up sometime and get totally caught up. However, that really didn't diminish my interest in this mystery.  Bell and the various characters we've come to know in Akers Gap, West Virginia, are in the midst of a devastating twenty-four hours as a drug dealer who sells heroin laced with a substance that is capable of killing anyone who uses it. The number of overdoses and deaths continues to rise as the story unfolds and law enforcement attempt to locate the dealer who is responsible for all these deaths.

The Current by Tim Johnston - I didn't much care for Johnston's first novel The Descent (although I am probably in the minority), but decided I'd give Johnston (an Iowan) another chance by trying The Current. I  was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this.  This is more of a literary novel of suspense which is narrated by various characters to slowly reveal different parts of this story.  Two college students drive home to visit the one girl's dying father. Before they get there they stop for gas where they encounter some young boys. Running to get away from them, they drive off too quickly in the winter weather, and end up crashing the car.  One girl is found dead down the river and the other is injured but will survive. This is eerily similar to another young woman's death ten years previously, and as various characters narrate this story we see the past connect what has happened in the present.  

Mystery lovers should check out the Keller series and Tim Johnston's newest novel.  Both are winners.  

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