Monday, October 23, 2017

Picture Books To Treasure

Today we have our first professional development at school. There will be elementary and middle and high school librarians all gathered together to discuss a variety of technology and book related topics.

I am lucky enough to share a presentation about new books that are coming out.

There are always so many choices.  

Two picture books on my "must purchase" list are Dan Santat's After the Fall and Windows by Julia Denos.

You might think that at the middle school level I wouldn't be busy reading picture books anymore. But this one has been receiving buzz for months and when my copy arrived from Amazon, I wasn't disappointed.  In fact, I read this book to all my sixth and seventh grade students and they all loved it.  After I turned the last page in every single class at least one student would burst out with a, "what?!"

Humpty explains that after his initial fall and being put back together he struggles with being scared to go back up on the wall.  He eventually decides to take a risk - and is transformed.  I won't give away the ending, but I will say that Santat's ending left kids asking questions, looking for clues in the story, and made them think.  So, this book is great for younger picture book readers, but my middle school readers also enjoyed it- and their teachers did, too.

This picture book is a sweet story about a boy who is outside walking his dog as it gets dark and lights are on inside of the houses he passes while on his walk.  He enjoys seeing what's going on in the various windows he passes by until he arrives home and snuggles up with his mother to read a book in front of their window.

I'll admit to enjoying seeing inside of other people's houses I may pass while it's dark out and their lights are on. It's interesting to see what another house looks like and what might be going on in another home.  

I appreciated the different types of buildings featured in these illustrations and the city being depicted.  E. B. Goodale has illustrated this book, which is her debut.

I've got a stack of other great picture books to share and can't wait to talk about them all tomorrow.  

Does anyone have any other great new picture books they want to talk about?

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