Friday, December 30, 2016

Friday Five: It's The End of 2016

Happy End of 2016!  It's always exciting to start a new year, and 2017 is just around the corner.  Because I don't have to shop for gifts right now, I am trying to cut back on my internet browsing.  (The more I see, the more I want).  Here are a few things I enjoyed this past week.

1.  The  Windsors Christmas outing- what a beautiful family!  I love seeing these two adorable kids and their parents

2.  Beatles Yellow Submarine Lego Set - Christmas might be over, but I would love to get this for my family (or myself)

3.  New York Public Library Desk Caddy - I never realized that the NYPL had a shopping site.  I need to remember to look at it next year at Christmas time because there is a really cute ornament I've seen posted on Litsy.

4.  When In Doubt Sweatshirt - a librarian friend was wearing this the other day....and I'm finding it harder than ever to resist ordering it for myself.

5.  Men's Vagabond Slip-ons- I rarely share anything I purchase for my husband, but he loved the Sanuk sandals we bought him last year.  I was Christmas shopping and had no ideas for him at all. I walked into Scheels and saw these shoes and within five minutes I was done shopping for my husband. Tonight he texted me and told me how comfortable they are.

6.  A Look Back at Today's Year - BC (Before Children) I began every day with The Today Show. I still love catching their year end compilation of memories.

So how about you? What's caught your eye this week?

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