Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sunday Salon

This weekend absolutely flew by! It was our first with fall soccer games and since it is Rally Sunday we had a balloon release after church as we kick off the fall Sunday School and confirmation classes.

Middle Sister had a volleyball clinic this afternoon, and after a relaxing Saturday afternoon, I have felt pressure all day to get stuff done for the coming week.  Grocery shopping and cooking up some meals ahead of time, getting laundry done, having the girls clean in their rooms, straightening up all the junk that accumulates in the house in just one week....ARGH!  

And my graduate class in ESL Linguistics has started as well, which means I have homework to get done.

The weather has been beautiful, and this weekend it really has felt like fall.  

I read some great books this weekend.  Now I just need to get some reviews written.

There's much to do and not that long until it's bedtime, so I need to take advantage of the time I have yet this evening and get a few more items Xed off on my to do list.

I hope you enjoyed your weekend and have found a few minutes to relax.

1 comment:

Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

Have a good week! I am so far behind on my reviews I may just have to write them off. my hubby is out of town and my dog is in the hospital recovering from spinal surgery. Tomorrow, for fun, I get to attend the Weird Al concert at the fair. It is something to look forward to.