Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sunday Salon

It's Sunday afternoon and I'm sitting at school as my girls finish up their projects I've assigned them. They are getting to the age where they are actually helpful to me when I go to school over the weekends to work.  I remember dragging Big Sister to school a few times when she was much younger and having to clean up a lot of her mess before getting to leave.  I was never sure if the small amount of work I accomplished was worth going in to work.

This has been a rainy weekend.  For November in Iowa rain is preferable to snow, but I am already wishing for warm weather.  I've had a little time to read this weekend, although I worked at school yesterday as well. My school has been termed Persistently Low Achieving by the government. This is our third year with this status, and I am on a committee to help select books for classroom libraries.  

I am anxiously awaiting our kitchen remodel to begin.  Although I am ready to have a new kitchen, I am also a little worried about packing everything up and having nowhere to cook or eat for a month.  I rarely remember to use my camera and chronicle events in our lives, but I am going to try and take pictures as the project unfolds.

The weeks ahead look busy with basketball and volleyball practices, piano lessons, and concerts.  Tomorrow are conferences for the girls and my husband begins wrestling practice.  

The TBR piles keep growing and sadly I am having to return many books to the library without having a chance to crack them open.  I'm hoping for a little free time later today so I can curl up with a good book, as well as some time for me to write some blogs that will be queued up for the week.


Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

Good luck with the kitchen remodel. We just got back in our kitchen after having to repair the hardwood floor from a dishwasher leak. We will run a inaugural wash with the new dishwasher later this evening.

Ti said...

In my last house, we made part of the living room a kitchen complete with fridge and microwave. It helped to be able to heat stuff and keep the fridge on, but I have to tell you, we did all that work, a complete remodel and the moved. LOL.

I don't know if your daughters are like mine but what is it with paper and small bits of it everywhere. My daughter made snowflakes this weekend and I can't even describe the mess left behind. Beautiful flakes though!