Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday Salon

We have been blessed with beautiful weather this weekend, and it looks to be heating up a bit for the next week.  I have made it through an entire week of school with students, which has been interesting.  I still have to do a bit of lesson planning today and may even go to school to work.

Middle Sister was at camp this past week, arriving home yesterday afternoon.  It is great to have her back, although she does seem a bit crabby.  I think she had a fun week without us and enjoyed some horse back riding and swimming.

We went out for supper last night to Old Chicago for Big Sister's birthday since we were finally all home.  I've only been there once, but would happily have their pizza again.

My reading is slowly coming along. I finished a few books this weekend, but have so many on my TBR stack that will have to go back to the library before they get read.

The most exciting news this past week was our meeting with a kitchen designer and our contractor.  Our house will be a huge mess at some point this fall, but we are finally re-doing our kitchen.  I cannot wait.  As it is now, it is extremely tiny with only one outlet and an apartment sized refrigerator.  As things start moving, I'll have to post some before and after pictures.

Right now I'm off to do a bit of reading before I hit the treadmill.

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