Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday Salon - A Little Bit Late

Since it's not yet Monday, I figure I can still post my Sunday Salon. 

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there.  My own father is in a nursing home now. Despite his body being in good shape, his dementia has progressed rapidly.  I didn't visit him today, but will go tomorrow.  Visits with him are not very pleasant. He no longer knows who I am and is not able to even construct a sentence that makes much sense.   The picture below of my parents was taken in the fall of 2011 to celebrate their 40th anniversary.  Although we certainly knew he was getting more forgetful and his dementia was getting worse, I don't think any of us thought he would be in a nursing home just over a year later.

At our house we made breakfast in bed for my husband who spent all of yesterday jackhammering (is that a word?!) our sidewalk out since we are still leaking in our basement.  He is sore and tired, and has been watching the U.S. Open this afternoon.  Now we are getting ready to grill for supper: brats, hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans, chips and watermelon.  

While my husband watched golf, I took the girls and my mom to see 42 at the local dollar theater. It was amazing!
I am so glad we took the time to go, and being a teacher can hardly wait to have my girls do a little more research about Jackie Robinson and Negro League baseball. I will be thinking about this movie for quite a while.

Despite the construction/destruction mess with our sidewalk and the basement STILL leaking, I worked on one of the graduate classes I am taking on Saturday. I also spent part of Friday at another graduate class learning about Google Apps.  It is well worth the time and money.  

Highlights of the past week include two trips to the pool - finally summer weather!  More softball games, a band lesson, and enjoying a little bit of break.   Friday was also the last day of my NLXF (Next Level Xtreme Fitness) class. Ten weeks have flown by!  I did sign up for another session which begins after July 4th.  I don't think I lost more than a couple of pounds, but I love the class and the workout I am getting there.  I work a lot harder when an instructor is yelling at us than I do when Jillian Michaels is telling me to do something on a DVD.  

My reading is going along rather nicely, but books are piling up as usual. I am hoping to finish Whistling Past the Graveyard by Susan Crandall (due to be published in early July) yet tonight before I go to bed.  I need to get busy writing reviews because I have been on my book a day summer reading jag.  

I'm hoping for more pool trips, more reading, and perhaps even beginning a project or two in the coming week.  Hopefully by next Sunday I'll have something good to report about our basement mess.  

What about you? What's up for your week?

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